Our Beliefs
& Mission
The members of First Baptist Church Tillsonburg agree and subscribe to the following statement of faith as follows:
To believe in one God, our Creator, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
To believe in the divine inspiration of Scripture as the revealed Word of God, as our only authority.
To believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, bodily resurrection and the total sufficiency of His atonement.
To believe in the justification by faith alone in the righteousness of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration and sanctification.
To believe in the second and glorious appearance of our Lord and Saviour, the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment with the punishment of the unjust and the blessedness of the just.
To believe in the baptism by immersion of believers in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
To believe in the Lord's Supper as commemorative of His death and celebrated in accordance with His command.
GATHERING to Worship God
GROWING to Maturity in Christ
GOING as missionaries into our World
OUR Vision
Believing that God is calling us to GATHER to worship Him.
We envision a unified congregation who warmly welcomes people of all ages and stages to delight in Him.
Believing that God is calling us to GROW to maturity in Christ.
We envision a congregation who learns from His Word together and invests in relationships that build one another up.
Believing that God is calling each of us to GO as missionaries into our world.
We envision a congregation who takes advantage of opportunities to share the love of Christ so that others may come to follow him.
First Baptist Church Tillsonburg is affiliated with Canadian Baptist Ministries and the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec. For more information on these organizations, please click on the provided links.