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Lead Pastor Search
In the coming months our church family will begin a process of searching for a new Lead Pastor. This Fall of 2022 we will be establishing a Search Committee who will be prayerfully discerning God's will for our next steps and receive applications from pastoral candidates. Please pray for our church as we look towards the future.

Reverend Alan Adams
The Deacons are excited to have Reverend Alan Adams join FBC as our Interim Pastor. We look forward to hearing what God has put on his heart to share with FBC.
He is available for counsel Tuesdays & Thursdays.
Call the office to set up an appointment or drop in!

At our office from Tuesday to Friday, 9am to 2pm, you will find Vikki Wilson who covers the various administrative needs of our church. From welcoming visitors, preparing church publications, to overseeing bookkeeping and correspondence.
We invite you to contact her with any of your needs regarding FBC.
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