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Sunday School

Children in Indoor Playground

If you have young kids we encourage you to connect with our Sunday School and nursery during the 10:00am service each Sunday. Our greeters and Sunday School volunteers will be glad to help you and your family find your way around and answer your questions. 

We require that a parent/guardian sign in and sign out each child. To ensure the safety of your child, each of our Sunday School volunteers are trained in our Reduce the Risk protection policy and have submitted a current background check. 

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -Jesus

David and Goliath

Special Sunday School Session

Thank you to Ben Mayville who provided our Sunday School and Nursery kids with the opportunity to connect with this bible story in such a special and memorable way.


Contact Us  | (519) 842-8762 

18 Harvest Ave. Tillsonburg, ON N4G 0H9

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©2022 First Baptist Church Tillsonburg

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